Friday, 30 September 2011

Blog Hop and Follow Friday

Book Blogger Hop
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy for Books and is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love for the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect to other book lovers, to make friends, support each other and to generally share our love for books.

This weeks question is: In honor of banned books week, What is your favourite banned or frequently challenged book? Click Here for the 2010-2011 list in PDF format.

I'm a big fan of The Hunger Games but I can understand why some schools don't allow it. I have just discovered that Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen is on a banned or challenged list? Ah now...It is hardly that bad. Some animal cruelty, a few people thrown from a train, and some soft sexual content. That is what I read books for.

I have to say, I am really enjoying reading through all these PDF files. Did you know Twilight is banned in Australia because of the sexual content? It goes against religious beliefs. I would have thought parents would be pro Twilight because of the blatant no sex before marriage message?? No? 
Great question this week!

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison can read

This week's question is: What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favourite character?

I am both delighted and saddened that I can't say Harry Potter this week!
To be honest, I don't really like when amazing books are made into movies. Without meaning to, my images of the characters and their world gets permanently changed in my mind. The Twilight movies ruined the books for me. I think KStew is a terrible Bella but she is imprinted in my head as Bella. How many people can say that when they re-read Harry Potter they don't picture Daniel Radcliffe? (although, I do love the Harry Potter movies!) Some how I have brought my answer back to HP! There are some other film adaptations that I do enjoy though. Water for Elephants for example.


  1. You make an interesting point when you talk about Water For Elephants!! LOL! I wonder how the people who challenge/ban these books make it through the scandals of daily life if the content of WFE is too much for them!!

  2. ol,lol, thats what i read books for. some of the books on the list is just overboard.

  3. I haven't seen Water for Elephants yet but the book was great and I hope the movie is too!

    My Follow Friday!

  4. I couldn't get into The Hunger Games. I put it down half way through and now I have no idea where I put it. Hmm... Those darn trolls ate it I think.

    Speak was a good one. To Kill A Mockingbird is just classic. ;)

    Please do stop by for a crumpet & a spot of tea.

    If you enjoy yourself please do leave a comment on some of my reviews.

    They are quite lonely :(

    Mad Scientist @ Steampunkery & Book Reviews

  5. Hopping through. It is funny that Twilight gets banned. People must not have read it.
    My Hop

  6. The Twilight banning makes me laugh too and over sexual content just makes it even more ridiculous. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! :)

  7. Hopping back, and I agree with you that - with movie series especially - one tends to visualize the embodied character forever after seeing a film, and one's own vision of the fictional being floats away into some dark corner of almost-memory.

    I also agree that, when it comes to Dan Radcliffe, I'm OK with that!

  8. I was certainly surprised to see Water for Elephants on that list. It didn't seem that bad to me either.
